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The human being is destined to be part of evolution. This was true for the first men, who wandered off the lands of the earth, and is still true for the people who live these days on earth. Evolution starts with a small step from men, and results into a big step for mankind. One of the most important kinds of people, responsible for evolution, is engineers. Through the years of the existence of mankind, engineers have been the ones who held the responsibility to deliver solutions for so-called impossibilities. It is thanks to their courage and perseverance that the human race did not perish in history. It is often said that history is written by the victors, but what it actually should be is that history is written by engineers. 

As prospective engineers, we will discuss the build progress of the Jenga-robot in this report. The discussion starts with a short introduction about the basic principles of the different motor-types used in the build. We will then examine the design choices of the first prototype and how we tackled the challenges. Then we will give an extended explanation about the moment we agreed on the design and on the moment where we were able to catch the first block. Finally, we will discuss the improvements we implemented on the first prototype.



Placement of one block on the tower

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